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We have various opportunities for you to connect and serve with others that might be where you are in life or live in your community. If you consider Marietta Chapel home, we would love for you to plug in and serve, join a bible study, or get involved with our children's environments.
Not sure what the best fit is for you or your family? Take your time and have a look around. We believe you'll find just where you belong. 
Young People's Department (YPD)
Our Young People’s Division is our youth engaging God on their own terms. They sponsor activities designed to witness to young people that God is real and is worthy to be praised. They develop relevant worship and fellowship activities that allow them to escape the box of tradition.
Women's Missionary Society
The Women’s Missionary Society are women missionaries serving the needs of the community. Their activities include feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, and encouraging and protecting our youth.
Transitioning To Excellence (T-REX) Mentoring
The Transitioning To Excellence mentoring ministry mentors the students at the Marietta High School Performance Learning Center.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The most important ministry in our church! This ministry meets weekly to pray for the church and to pray for the world in general. Prayer makes a difference!
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